So many Customers are asking or confused to spot the real or fake QKZ headphones and complaining about how to distinguish between original or fake. Most of the time buying from china get stuck or lose money at the end of buying Fake Products although it’s even can’t be satisfying the quality of sound and earpiece material. However, customers can be able to identify the knockoffs from real headphones before you can judge performance of the Earphone sound.

1- Retail Market Chaos in China Market

QKZ and KZ Earphone are selling in China Local market where don’t really have the effective copyright/counterfeit legislations therefore so many electronic manufacture are make low quality material product at very low price, mostly in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore etc. suppliers contact them and make own low price, low quality, products which is counterfeits they buy them and selling to their countries.

Recently We start our registered company QKZ™ Enterprises SL in Pakistan and selling our genuine products to all over the world and provide excellent audio quality earphones and accessories.

2- Official Warranty Guaranteed

The QKZ and KZ Earbuds comes with the 12-month warranty which is only applicable on QKZ Earphones Official Website customers, if you found any manufacturing issue then contact to our QKZ Official Website and raise your replacement claim with proof of defect/damage details, our team will review your case with in 24hours after approval we’ll send new pair of Earphones at fee of cost. Make sure for claiming you must provide the prove of defect/damage with order invoice number.

3- The Quality of Accessories and Cable Wires

Since it not easy to distinguish real accessories of earbuds if you get chances then open a retail packing have closely looking into the cables and silicone earplugs in most case you would find the cable is not copper wire and silicone ear-plug is not high quality which is not good for the human body.

4- Lastly, check and compare the price.

The last but not least is price comparison in which normally would see the huge difference usually they offer some deep discounts on products and offer you to purchase with the fake warranty promises after your purchase they disappear and you would able to claim return or warranty Blow are the top most Selling Product Official Prices we compared in this article which gives you the idea what is real vs fake QKZ / KZ Earphones.

Our recommendations are always check actually prices on our website and compare to these prices with the approved sellers, it’s get the genuine product price idea and help you to avoid buying counterfeit earphones.

QKZ OFFICIALS The Brand QKZ known as ‘’ Quality Know for Zero Defect’’ the idea is to give a dynamic sound with metal bass enrich music to Listener at very affordable prices which no once beat us,
our customer called 2020 the best budget earphone company which actually has two parts one is QKZ which specializes in dynamic metal bass music.
Second, is KZ – ZST Official collection which is purely forced on HiFi Armature dynamic balance music earphone
In the 2005 QKZ is divided into two subsidiaries which are ‘QKZ’ and ‘KZ’ ~ Know for Zero Defect

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